Sunday, May 16, 2010

Adam Fowler

“untitled” 10 by 11 inches

Even before getting here, I was told by some friends to see the work of Adam Fowler, who's piece Untitled (74 Layers) was up at the Museum of Arts & Design through the beginning of April. 

I rushed in on the last day and was mesmerized.  This guy starts out drawing large, loose circles like I do, but then CUTS OUT each layer, carefully tracing the outline of each graphite stroke and LAYERS them, sometimes up to 74 layers!!!  I e-mailed him and he told me where I could see more of his work.  I immediately went to Margaret Thatcher Projects and took in every detail I could of the three pieces in their collection.  I learned so much from observing, but I was full of questions for the artist, so we arranged a studio meeting.

Not only did I get to talk to Adam Fowler about his work and his artistic career, but I was fortunate enough to get a critique!  It just so happened I had Rhythms of Light on hand, and when I showed Adam he was really impressed.  We had discussed the best options for me at this point in my career, and while he initially thought I should take a break from being serious about my career and live my life, once he saw my work he said I should keep on doing what I am to get my art out there, right now! 

How's that for a first month in NYC?!

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