Sunday, May 16, 2010

Antony Gormley

Immediately after meeting Adam Fowler, I met up with Sam who was visiting for the weekend.  On Sunday we went exploring around Union Square, and ended up walking to Madison Square Park, where we happened upon Antony Gormley's installation, Event Horizon. I was already familiar with the artist's inspirational wire sculptures, so I was thrilled to see what else he had come up with.

 This exhibit featured a number of life size nude casts of the artist, popping up all over the place.  We sat next to this one for a while, but then as we got up to leave we noticed they were all around us!  Practically every rooftop around the square had a figure perched at the edge, looming.   Here's a couple pictures of the rooftop figures I took with my phone:
This experience was so effective that as we roamed around that area we kept looking up to see if yet another figure peered down in our direction.  So fun!

1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious! Thanks for the light bubbles or I never would have seen them.
